Washington Election Guide

Election 2022 Information for Black Diamond, WA

Voter Registration

Registration Deadline: To register by mail or online, your application must be received no later than 8 days before Election Day. Register to vote in person during business hours and any time before 8:00 PM on Election Day.

Party Affiliation: Washington does not have party registration as part of voter registration. Voters do not have to declare a party affiliation either when they register or vote. 


Voter Registration Qualifications

Age: Must be at least 18 years old (16 and 17-year-olds may sign up as a Future Voter and be automatically registered to vote when they turn 18).

Citizenship: Must be a United States citizen.

Residency: Must be a legal resident of Washington State at least 30 days before Election Day.

Mental Competency: Click here to find more information on mental competency voting requirements.

Felony Convictions: If you were convicted of a felony in a Washington State court, another state, or in federal court, your right to vote is restored automatically once you are no longer serving a Department of Corrections sentence of total confinement in prison. For more information on felons and voting rights, click here

Once your right to vote is restored, you must re-register in order to receive a ballot. You can re-register online with VoteWA, by mail, or in person.

Obtaining a Voter Registration Form

Online: Click on this link.

In person: Visit your County Elections department to obtain and complete a voter registration form in person.

By mail/in writing: Request a voter registration form be sent to your residential address or download a voter registration form and mail it to your county elections office.


Verifying Your Voter Registration Status

Online: Washington Voter Registration Verification

Phone: Contact your local election officials.



Military and overseas voters are exempt from the regular voter registration deadlines. The last day to register and request a ballot is Election Day. Even if you are not registered, you may still vote and send in a ballot because your signature on the declaration attests to your eligibility and constitutes registration.

You may register normally. When registering, please indicate you are in the armed forces or living overseas. You must list a Washington residential address. This can be your last address in the state, or that of a family member. Your mailing address can be anywhere in the world.

You may receive your ballot by mail, email or fax. You may also qualify to receive a ballot as early as 90 days before the election. ​​If you believe you won't receive your regular ballot in time to vote, you can also request a Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot, which is a blank write-in ballot. Federal Write-In Absentee Ballots are available at consulates, embassies, from your Voting Assistance Officers, and online.

More information on military and overseas voting can be found here.



Washington state voters vote by mail. All registered voters are automatically mailed a ballot at least 18 days before every election. There is no need to sign-up or request a mail-in ballot. If you are unsure if you are registered or if your address is current, you can confirm your registration information here. Your packet will include a ballot, a secrecy envelope or secrecy sleeve for your voted ballot, and a return envelope with prepaid postage. Follow the instructions that accompany your ballot. 

If you will not be able to access your mail during the 18-day voting period, need to receive your ballot at a different address, or need to access your ballot electronically, contact your County Elections Office. If it is within 90 days prior to a state Primary or General Election and you believe that you will be unable to access, vote, and return a regularly-issued ballot within the time provided by law, contact your County Elections Office.

Your ballot must be postmarked no later than Election Day or returned to a ballot drop box by 8 p.m. on Election Day.

If you fail to sign the ballot declaration, or the signature on the ballot declaration does not match the signature in your voter registration record, your county elections department will contact you. If you are unable to sign the declaration, make a mark in front of two witnesses and have them sign in the designated spaces.

Click here for more information and answers to frequently asked questions about voting by mail. 


Each county opens a voting center prior to each primary, special election, and general election. Each voting center is open during business hours during the voting period, which begins eighteen days before, and ends at 8:00 p.m. on the day of the primary, special election, or general election.

You can locate your nearest voting center by logging into MyVote.wa.gov or contacting your county's elections department.


Additional Information

College Student Voters: Click here

Voters with Disabilities: Click here

Deciding how to vote: https://votesmart.org/

Polling Place: Places to return my ballot

Problems with voting: Voter Concern Form

Verifying Vote By Mail status: Click here

Election 2022 Ballot Measures

Washington Advisory Vote 40, Transportation Network Companies Tax Nonbinding Question

Advisory Vote 40 is a non-binding question asking voters to advise the legislature on whether to uphold or repeal House Bill 2076, passed by the Washington State Legislature in the 2022 session. HB 2076 was designed to levy a premium on transportation network companies (ride-share companies).

Passed - Maintained
Failed - Repealed

More Information: Click Here

Washington Advisory Vote 39, Aircraft Fuel Tax Increase Nonbinding Question

Advisory Vote 39 is a non-binding question asking voters to advise the legislature on whether to uphold or repeal Senate Bill 5974, passed by the Washington State Legislature in the 2022 session. SB 5974 was designed to increase the aircraft fuel tax from 11 cents to 18 cents per gallon. It was expected to generate $14 million in revenue over the first ten years.

Passed - Maintained
Failed - Repealed

More Information: Click Here

Your Elected Officials

Donald Trump
J.D. Vance
Vice President
Maria Cantwell
U.S. Senate
District Junior Seat
Patty Murray
U.S. Senate
District Senior Seat
Kim Schrier
U.S. House
District 8
Bob Ferguson
Denny Heck
Lieutenant Governor
Lisa Callan
State House
District 5 Position 2
Victoria Hunt
State House
District 5 Position 1
Bill Ramos
State Senate
District 5
Nick Brown
Attorney General
Steve Hobbs
Secretary of State
Pat McCarthy
Dave Upthegrove
Commissioner of Public Lands
Joel Sacks
Director of Labor and Industrial Relations
Derek Sandison
Director of the Department of Agriculture
Patty Kuderer
Insurance Commissioner
Milt Doumit
Public Utilities Commissioner
Ann Rendahl
Public Utilities Commissioner
Brian Rybarik
Public Utilities Commissioner
Chris Reykdal
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Mike Pellicciotti
Ryan Brault
State Board of Education
Jan Brown
State Board of Education
Brooke Brown
State Board of Education
Jen Chong Jewell
State Board of Education
Mary Fertakis
State Board of Education
Angela Griffin
State Board of Education
Bill Kallappa
State Board of Education
Ron Mabry
State Board of Education
Harium Martin-Morris
State Board of Education
Paul Pitre
State Board of Education
Susana Reyes
State Board of Education
Dana Riley-Black
State Board of Education
Kevin Wang
State Board of Education