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Deadline: The deadline to register to vote is 30 days prior to an election.
Party affiliation: You do not need to indicate a political party when registering to vote. You can register as “Party Not Designated”, and therefore have the ability to cast a ballot for any of the recognized parties in the State of Arizona in general elections. For primary elections, those who are registered as “Party not Designated” must choose a party ballot at the polls. Those registered with a party will get a ballot from that party for primary elections.
Age: 18 years of age on or before the day of the election.
Citizenship: Must be a citizen of the United States as well as a resident of the State of Arizona and the county you are registering in.
Felony convictions: For a first time felony conviction, you may register to vote if you have completed your sentence and paid necessary restitution.
Mental competency: You cannot register to vote in Arizona if you have been adjudicated incapacitated by the court of law.
Online: You can register to vote online here. You must provide an Arizona Driver License and/or an Arizona non-operating I.D. card issued by the Motor Vehicle Division.
By mail: To register by mail, you can print the form here. You can also request that the form be mailed to you from your County Recorder. Once you complete the form, mail it to your county recorder’s office. If you don’t have a residence address, you should complete this form.
In person: Visit your County Recorder’s Office to fill out a form.
To verify voter registration status: Use this link, or call 1-877-THE-VOTE.
Qualifications: If you are a registered voter, you are eligible for an early ballot-by-mail.
Obtaining an absentee ballot: You can join the Active Early Voting List (AEVL) online by filling out this form or submit a written form. There is no deadline to join the AEVL.
You can also request a one-time ballot-by-mail. You can do it online, by calling or emailing your County Recorder, or by submitting a written form. If you want a ballot-by-mail, you should request it 11 days before Election Day.
To vote: You must bring either a sufficient photo ID with name and address, or two forms of ID without a photograph with name and address. The list of acceptable IDs can be found here.
A provisional ballot is given to anyone who is not on the polling location’s roster or if the voter was unable to provide a valid form of identification. There are a few reasons why your name was not included on the roster.
-You recently moved and did not update your voter information in time
-You voted at a polling place not assigned to you
-You requested an early ballot by mail
-Your voter registration is no longer active or you are not registered at all
If you were unable to show valid identification at the polls on Election Day you would have been provided with a conditional provisional ballot. This ballot will be valid and counted as long as you provide valid identification to your polling location before 7:00 pm on Election Day. Alternatively, you have up to five business days after a general election and three business days after any other election to provide your identification to your county elections office.
Verifying Registration: To verify your voter registration status, contact your county recorder or elections office or verify your voter registration online.
Deciding how to vote:
Polling Place: Polling place locator
Problems with voting: Voter Complaint form or Call 602-542-8683 or 1-877-THE-VOTE
Verifying provisional ballot status: Provisional ballot status
Verifying Early Ballot Status: Early ballot Search
Guidance on Polling Place Conduct: Polling Place Conduct
The ballot measure would add a provision to the Arizona Constitution that requires citizen-initiated ballot measures to embrace a single subject. The ballot measure would also require the initiative's subject to be expressed in the ballot title, or else the missing subject would be considered void.
This amendment would require a 60% supermajority vote to pass ballot measures intended to approve taxes in Arizona.
The ballot initiative would require that anyone making independent expenditures of more than $50,000 on a statewide campaign or $25,000 on a local campaign to disclose the names of the money's original sources, which would be defined as the persons or businesses that earned the money being spent.
This initiative would set a limit on interest rates for debt accrued from receiving healthcare services equal to either the weekly average one-year constant maturity treasury yield or 3%, whichever is less. It would also increase the amount of value for certain propertyincluding homestead, household furnishings, motor vehicles, and bank account fundsand earnings exempt from attachment, execution, forced sale, and any other debt collection processes.
The measure would consolidate the constitution's property tax exemption provisions into a single article. As of 2022, the subsections in Article 9 of the Arizona Constitution set specific exemption amounts for widows and widowers; those with total and permanent disabilities; disabled veterans; and property used for trade, business, or agriculture. This measure would allow the legislature to determine amounts and qualifications for the above groups.
It would also repeal the constitutional language providing for a property tax exemption for honorably discharged veterans, which was ruled unconstitutional in Benjamin v. Arizona Department of Revenue.
For mail-in voting, voters casting a mail-in ballot will have to add two new pieces of information to their affidavit: their date of birth and a voter ID number. The voter ID number can be the number on a voters driver's license or government issued ID number, or the last four digits of their social security number. Currently, the voting affidavit only requires the signature of the voter. This signature is verified by comparing it to the voters signature on record with voter registration documents.
The ballot measure would allow the Arizona State Legislature to amend or repeal voter-approved ballot initiatives if any portion has been declared unconstitutional or invalid by the Arizona Supreme Court or U.S. Supreme Court.
The ballot measure would allow non-citizen students, except those considered to be nonresident aliens under federal law, to receive in-state college tuition when a student (a) attended school in Arizona for at least two years and (b) graduated from a public school, private school, or homeschool in Arizona.
The ballot measure would create the position of lieutenant governor in Arizona. Legislators would pass bills to prescribe the lieutenant governor's duties. As of 2022, Arizona is one of five states without a lieutenant governor.
The state's lieutenant governor would be elected on a joint ticket with the governor. The ballot measure would require gubernatorial candidates to select running mates at least 60 days before the general election, although the legislature could prescribe a different date. The first election for a joint governor and lieutenant governor ticket would be November 3, 2026.
If the incumbent governor dies, resigns, or is removed from office, the lieutenant governor would succeed to the governor's office. Currently, the secretary of state succeeds to the governor's office in these situations.
If the lieutenant governor's office becomes vacant, the governor would appoint a person to serve as lieutenant governor, subject to legislative approval.
The ballot measure would enact a 0.1% sales tax for 20 years January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2042 and deposit revenue from the tax into a Fire District Safety Fund.
The Arizona State Treasurer would be required to distribute revenue from the Fire District Safety Fund to individual fire districts at the end of each month.
The ballot measure would provide a formula for distributing funds each month: first, in proportion to each district's total property value (but not more than 3% of the total distribution); second, for those districts that received less than 3% in the first distribution, the first step would repeat; and third, any remaining revenue would be distributed equally between the districts.