Wyoming Election Guide

Election 2024 Information for Cheyenne, WY

Voter Registration

Registration Deadline: You may register and vote at your polling place on Election Day. You may also register to vote in person at the County Clerk’s office or by mail not less than 14 days before an election.


Party Affiliation: 

If you want to vote for Republican or Democratic candidates in the primary, you must be a registered voter of that party. Under Wyoming law, primary elections are mainly held to nominate candidates for partisan offices to be filled at the general election. If you are unaffiliated or are a member of a minor or provisional political party, you will receive a primary ballot containing only non-partisan candidates. 


To change your party affiliation or to declare a new affiliation, complete the Wyoming Voter Registration Application & Change Form and submit it to your County Clerk’s office not later than 14 days before the primary election. You may also change your party affiliation at your polling place on the day of the primary or general election, or when requesting an absentee ballot.


Voter Registration Qualifications

Age: A seventeen year old may register to vote if they will be eighteen (18) years old by the next general election


Citizenship: Must be a United States citizen


Residency: Must be a resident of Wyoming and the precinct in which you register. Withdraw your voter registration from any other jurisdiction, if applicable (on the Wyoming registration application).


Mental Competency: Must not be currently adjudicated mentally incompetent


Felony Convictions: Not been convicted of a felony, or if convicted, has had civil or voting rights restored. If you have been convicted of a felony you may request to

have your voting rights restored. You can also contact the Wyoming Department of Corrections at (307) 777-5983, or visit their website for more information.

ID Requirements for Voter Registration: Present a valid Wyoming Driver License. If you do not have one, or if yours has expired, you must provide:

A statement to that effect (on the Wyoming registration application);

The last four digits of your social security number; AND

One of the following: 

-A U.S. Passport

-Out-of-State Driver’s License

-Military ID

-ID Card issued by a local, state, or federal agency

-Wyoming Student ID

-Tribal ID

Or two of the following:

-Certificate of U.S. citizenship or naturalization

-Draft record

-Voter Registration Card from out-of-state

-Original or certified copy of birth certificate

-Any other form of identification issued by an official agency. 

If you have neither a valid Wyoming driver's license nor a social security number, please indicate this by checking the appropriate box on the Voter Registration Application form and contact your County Clerk’s office. The Voter Registration Application form also includes a list of acceptable documents.



You do not need to re-register to vote in the upcoming General Election if you voted in the last General Election.

You need to re-register if: 

-You moved to a different county;

-You did not vote in the last General Election


If you moved within the county to another precinct or changed your name since the last general election, you must notify your county clerk.


In person: You may register in person at your County Clerk’s office or Town Clerk’s Office. You may also register at your polling place on Election Day. Please bring documents that prove your eligibility to register and vote.


By mail/ in writing: Voters who are not currently in Wyoming or who cannot go to the county clerk's office may register to vote by mail. 


Print the voter registration form and follow these instructions:


-Print out the voter registration form and fill it out in front of a notary or person authorized to administer oaths. Print clearly, using a black or blue ink pen (not felt tip).

-Show identification to the notary or registry agent. 

-All applicants, except military and overseas citizens, must have their form notarized before mailing.


In addition to the voter registration form, provide a printed copy of any one of the acceptable documents:

-Wyoming Driver’s License

-United States Passport

-Driver's License or Identification Card issued by any State or Outlying Possession of the United States

-Identification Card issued by the Federal Government, any State or Local Government, or an Agency thereof

-A tribal ID of any Federally Recognized Tribe

-Photo Identification Card issued by the University of Wyoming, a Wyoming Community College, or a Wyoming Public School

-United States Military Card

-Identification Card issued to a Dependent of a member of the United States Armed Forces


Or (in addition to the voter registration form) provide a printed copy any two of the acceptable documents:

-Certificate of US citizenship or naturalization

-Draft record

-Voter registration card from another state

-Original or certified copy of birth certificate

-United States Social Security Card

-Certification of Birth Abroad issued by the Department of State

-Original or certified copy of a birth certificate bearing an official seal

 -Any other form of ID issued by an official agency


Sign the voter registration oath. Have the notary or registered agent sign the form. 


Send the voter registration form and copies of the ID to your local county clerk. Mail your form as soon as possible. Voter registration by mail closes two weeks prior to an election.


Verifying Your Voter Registration Status

Phone: Contact your county clerk to confirm your status.


Absentee Ballot Qualifications

Who can vote absentee: Any registered voter in Wyoming may request an absentee ballot for any or all elections ONLY within the calendar year in which the election is held but not on the day of the election.


Obtaining an Absentee Ballot

Absentee voting begins 40 days prior to the election (45 days for military or overseas voters) and ends the day before the election. To request an absentee ballot, call or email the county clerk. You do not have to give a reason for requesting an absentee ballot. You will need to provide your full name, current Wyoming residence address, mailing address, date of birth, and a statement that you are eligible to vote in the election. If requesting a ballot for a primary election, you will also need to state the political party with which you are registered. 

If you registered to vote by mail and are voting by absentee ballot in your first federal election, you must enclose a copy of your photo ID or document bearing your name and residence address in the envelope with your voted ballot.

By PhoneCall your county clerk

By Mail – Print and fill out the application form and mail to your county clerk

By Email – Put “Absentee Ballot Request” in the subject line

In Person – Request an absentee ballot in person at your county clerk’s office

Online Request Forms – Select the applicable form below

-Military and Overseas Voters ONLY

-All Other Voters

Mailed ballots will be sent 45 days before the election to all voters who have requested that an absentee ballot be mailed. Absentee ballot requests received after 45 days will be sent as soon as possible. (Mail delivery within the county may take up to seven (7) days, and longer if your mailing address is outside the county.) 

Military and overseas voting: Military and Overseas voters may register, vote and track their ballots with special provisions.


Submitting an Absentee Ballot

Location and time: 

Your absentee ballot must be returned to your County Clerk’s office by 7 p.m. on Election Day. Any ballots received after this time will not be counted. Ballots may be returned to the county clerk in the following ways:


-In Person – Bring your completed absentee ballot in the signed envelope to your county clerk’s office.

-By Mail – Mail your completed absentee ballot in the provided envelope to your county clerk’s office. (Mail delivery within the county may take up to seven (7) days, and longer if you’re mailing your ballot from outside the county.)


Contact your county clerk for information on the status of your absentee ballot. Once a ballot has been received by your local county clerk’s office, you cannot change who you voted for. If you have marked your ballot and have not yet sent it in, but wish to change who you voted for, you may destroy that ballot and call your Local County Clerk's office for a replacement ballot or vote in person.



Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., or until the last person in line at 7 p.m. has voted.


Wyoming voters are required to show an acceptable form of identification when voting in person. Any of the following will be accepted:

-Wyoming Driver’s License or ID Card

-Tribal ID Card

-Valid US Passport

-US Military Card

-Driver’s License or ID card from another state

-University of Wyoming Student ID

-Wyoming Community College Student ID

-Valid Medicare Insurance Card*

-Valid Medicaid Insurance Card*


*Medicare and Medicaid insurance cards will no longer be an acceptable form of identification for voting purposes after December 31st, 2029.


If you do not have one of the documents in the list above, you may obtain a free Wyoming Identification Card from your local Driver Services office. Click here to find your nearest office.

If you are refused the right to vote, you may vote by a provisional ballot. In order for your vote to be counted, you must provide proof of your eligibility to vote to the county clerk no later than close of business the day following the election.


Additional Information

Verifying Registration: Contact your County Clerk to verify registration


Deciding how to vote: https://votesmart.org/


Polling Place: Wyoming Polling Place Locator


Problems with voting: Wyoming HAVA Complaint Form


Verifying absentee ballot status: Contact your County Clerk.


Voting Assistance: If you or someone you know is disabled or is unable to understand English, they may receive assistance with filling in the ballot from a person of their choice. Please contact your County Clerk with any questions about polling place accessibility.

Election 2024 Ballot Measures

Wyoming Property Tax on Residential Property and Owner-Occupied Primary Residences Amendment

Under Article 15, Section 11 of the Constitution, for purposes of property taxes, all property is required to be uniformly valued at its full value in three classes: the gross production of minerals and mine products; industrial property; and all other property real and personal. The third class includes residential property, commercial property, agricultural property and personal property.

This amendment to the Constitution would create a fourth class of property by making residential property a separate class from the all other property class.

The Constitution also prohibits the Legislature from creating any subclass within the authorized classes of property. This amendment would allow the Legislature to create a subclass of residential property for owner occupied primary residences.

More Information: Click Here

Your Elected Officials

Donald Trump
J.D. Vance
Vice President
John Barrasso
U.S. Senate
District Senior Seat
Cynthia Lummis
U.S. Senate
District Junior Seat
Harriet Hageman
U.S. House
District At-Large
Mark Gordon
Landon Brown
State House
District 9
Gary Brown
State House
District 41
Lee Filer
State House
District 44
Rob Geringer
State House
District 42
Stephen Johnson
State House
District 8
Ann Lucas
State House
District 43
Daniel Singh
State House
District 61
Jacob Wasserburger
State House
District 11
Evie Brennan
State Senate
District 31
Lynn Hutchings
State Senate
District 5
Tara Nethercott
State Senate
District 4
Jared Olsen
State Senate
District 8
Stephan Pappas
State Senate
District 7
Bridget Hill
Attorney General
Chuck Gray
Secretary of State
Kristi Racines
Jeff Rude
Commissioner of Insurance
Brenda Henson
Director of Revenue
Doug Miyamoto
Director of the Department of Agriculture
Chris Petrie
Public Service Commissioner
Mike Robinson
Public Service Commissioner
Mary Throne
Public Service Commissioner
Megan Degenfelder
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Curt Meier
Debbie Bovee
State Board of Education
Ellen Creagar
State Board of Education
Matthew Crisp
State Board of Education
Joseph Gaspari
State Board of Education
Taylor Jacobs
State Board of Education
R.J. Kost
State Board of Education
Bill Lambert
State Board of Education
Mark Mathern
State Board of Education
Amy Pierson
State Board of Education
Kristen Schlattman
State Board of Education