Be a more informed voter in Floyd County, GA!
Find Floyd County Election Information on Candidates, Absentee Ballots, Voting by Mail, Polling Place Times, Polling Place Locations, and more.
Registration Deadline: You can register any time. You must be registered at least 30 days before an election to vote in that election. Look at the key dates to ensure you’re registering before the deadline for the election you want to participate in.
If you changed your name: The simplest way is to submit a new registration application. The county registrar will see your existing registration and update the information from the new application. You can also change your address online.
Age: At least 17 1/2 years old to register and 18 to vote
Citizenship: Must be a United States citizen
Residency: Must be a legal resident of the county of which you wish to vote in.
Mental Competency: Have not been found mentally incompetent by a judge
Felony Convictions: Convicted felons are not eligible to register and vote in the State of Georgia except upon completion of the sentence, including any probation, parole, or payment of fines owed.
Online: Georgia voter registration application.
In person: You can go to your local county board of registrars' office or election office, public library, public assistance office, recruitment office, schools, and other government offices for a mail-in registration form.
Registration is offered when you renew or apply for your driver's license at the Department of Driver Services.
College students can obtain Georgia voter registration forms, or the necessary forms to register in any state in the U.S., from their school registrar's office or from the office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
By mail/ in writing: Download and print a form and mail it to the Secretary of State (address found on form).
Online: Verify your registration online.
Who can vote absentee: Any registered Georgia voter may vote by absentee ballot.
In order to request an absentee ballot, mail, fax, email, (as an attachment), or present this form in person to your local County Elections Office. Your county will mail you your ballot 29 days before the election (or 22 days before a local or special election). On the form, you’ll be asked to provide your address, date of birth, the county where you are registered, and then one of the following:
-The number for your driver’s license or free state ID, or
-The last four digits of your Social Security number, or
-If you don’t have a driver’s license, state-issued identification, or your Social Security number on file with the voter registration system, you can upload a photo of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows your name and address.
Military and overseas voting: Find more information at the Georgia Secretary of State's Military and Overseas Voter information page. Your county will mail your ballot to you 45 days before the election.
If you did not receive your absentee ballot: Contact your county elections office. They will either issue you a new one or tell you how to cancel that absentee ballot so you can vote in person.
Voting By Mail: Voters can request an absentee ballot as much as 78 days before an election without providing a reason, but a request must be made at least 11 days before the election. The county registrar’s office will mail your ballot after the application is approved and ballots are available. Your county registrar must receive your absentee ballots by the close of business on Election Day. Voters are not required to provide photo identification when voting by mail. You can submit your ballot via dropbox as well. Click here to find out what drop boxes are available closest to you.
Vote Early in Person: Voters may vote at early voting locations beginning the 4th Monday prior to the election. Voters are not required to provide a reason for voting early. When casting your vote in person, you must present an appropriate photo ID. Please contact your county registrar’s office for early voting times and locations in your county.
Polling places are open from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM on Election Day. If you are in line at 7:00 PM, you will be allowed to cast your vote.
Click here to view Voting Location Information. Click here to read rules about voting on Election Day
Voter Identification Requirements: Here are the types of acceptable identification for voting in person in Georgia. You will need to present identification when you vote.
Provisional voting allows you to cast a ballot in person even if all the requirements for doing so cannot be met at the time. The provisional ballot will count if the problem is solved within three days after Election Day.
The three reasons for voting a provisional ballot are:
1. You are unable to show one of the required forms of photo ID when you vote in person;
2. When you first registered to vote in Georgia, you registered by mail, did not provide any identification at that time, and are unable to present acceptable identification the first time you vote in person; or
3. Your name does not appear on the list of registered voters in the precinct.
You can learn more about provisional voting here.
Deciding how to vote:
Problems with voting: Georgia voter complaint form
Verifying provisional ballot status: Use Georgia's "My Voter Page" to check your ballot status.
Verifying absentee ballot status: Use Georgia's "My Voter Page"
Verifying polling place and times: Advanced Voting Location Information or My Voter Page
This measure expanded certain property tax exemptions provided for agricultural equipment and certain farm products:
to allow any entity that is a merger of two or more family-owned farms to qualify for the exemption; and
to extend the exemption to include dairy products and eggs.
The agricultural equipment exemption applies to farm tractors, combines, and all other farm equipment (except for motor vehicles) that are owned or held under a lease-purchase
agreement by a family farm entity that are directly used for the production of farm products.
Going into the election, the farm products exemption applied to livestock, crops, fruit, nut-bearing trees, bushes, and plants; annual and perennial plants; Christmas trees; and plants or trees grown in nurseries to be planted elsewhere.
Family farm entities under the measure mean an "entity that has derived 80 percent or more of its gross income from bona fide agricultural uses within this state within the year immediately preceding the year in which the exemption" is sought. Such entities may be organized as a family corporation, a family partnership, a family general partnership, a family limited partnership, a family limited corporation, or a family limited liability company, in which all interest is owned by one or more citizens that are related to each other within the ''fourth-degree of civil reckoning''
The ballot measure exempted timber equipment from ad valorem property taxes, set to begin on January 1, 2023.
Timber equipment to be exempted from taxes includes equipment owned or held under a lease-purchase agreement by a commercial timber producer that is used for timber harvesting or production. Off-road equipment and attachments used to sever a tree until the point that a tree has been loaded into a field or vehicle for transport are exempt from taxes under the measure. Off-road equipment includes skidders, feller bunchers, debarkers, delimbers, chip harvesters, tub-grinders, wood cutters, chippers, loaders, dozers, mid-motor graders, equipment attachments. The tax exemption does not apply to motor vehicles.
Timber is still taxed under the measure. In Georgia, timber (softwood and hardwood pulpwood, chip-and-saw logs, saw timber, poles, posts, and fuel wood) is assessed at fair market value and taxed at the county millage rate at the time of harvest or sale.
The ballot measure authorized local governments "to grant temporary tax relief," with additional details to be defined in statute, to properties that are damaged or destroyed due to a disaster and located within a nationally declared disaster area.
This measure amended the state constitution to provide for the suspension of compensation for the following public officials while the individual is suspended from office for being indicted for a felony.