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Find Haverhill Election Information on Candidates, Absentee Ballots, Voting by Mail, Polling Place Times, Polling Place Locations, and more.
Registration Deadline: The last day to register is the day that the Supervisors of the Checklist set their meeting. They are required to meet on a day, 6-13 days prior to the primary/general election. You should check with your clerk's office, the town/city website, or local newspapers for the day and time of the session.. If you miss this date, you may register to vote at the polls on election day if you are qualified.
Party Affiliation: An undeclared voter may vote in a state primary or a presidential primary. You will be required to choose either a Republican or Democratic ballot when you go to vote. You may change your party affiliation with the clerk of the town or city where you are domiciled or at any scheduled meeting of the supervisors of the checklist except for during the period of time between the first day of the filing period for the primary election and/or the presidential primary election and the date of the primary election itself.
Age: 18 years of age or older on the day of the next election
Citizenship: Must be a United States citizen
Residency: There is no minimum period of time you are required to have lived in the state before being allowed to register. You may register as soon as you move into your new community.
Felons: Click here for more information
In person:
1) You may apply to your town or city clerk's office. You will be required to fill out a standard voter registration form and show a verifiable proof of domicile.
2) You may also register with your community's Supervisors of the Checklist. By law, the supervisors are required to meet on a day which is 6 - 13 days prior to a state election. Check the local newspaper(s), your town's website, or call your clerk's office for the date and time of such meeting. If you live in a city, you may register with the Registrar of Voters at city hall.
3) Qualified individuals may register to vote at the polling place on election day at all elections.
By mail: If you meet the state's requirements and qualifications and are unable to register in person because of physical disability, religious beliefs, military service, or because of temporary absence, you may register by mail. You should request an absentee voter registration affidavit and a standard voter registration form from your town or city clerk. The absentee voter registration affidavit must be witnessed and then both the affidavit and the voter registration form are to be returned to your town or city clerk.
Online: Click on this link
Phone: Contact your county clerk to verify your registration
Who can vote absentee: You can vote absentee in any election if you are unable to vote in person because:
You will be out of town on election day; or
You have a religious observance that prevents you from voting in person; or
You have a physical disability or illness that prevents you from voting in person; or
You have an employment commitment or must care for an adult or child during the entire time polls are open; or
You are confined in a penal institution for a conviction of a misdemeanor or while awaiting trial; or
You are a member of the Attorney General’s Address Confidentiality Program or are protected by a Domestic Violence Protective Order; or
The National Weather Service has issued a winter storm, blizzard, or ice storm warning for your town/ ward for election day, and you have concerns about safely traveling in the storm.
In person: Request an application from the county clerk
By mail: Download the appropriate absentee ballot, and submit it to the County Clerk
For more information click here
Additional Link, click here.
Military and overseas voting: Read New Hampshire's Uniformed and Overseas Voters Information and apply for a Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) or Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot
Clerks may accept completed absentee ballots until 5pm on Election Day.
To find out what kinds of identification are acceptable at your polling place click here.
Deciding how to vote:
Polling Place: Polling place locator
Getting your vote counted: Electronic Ballot Counting Devices
Problems with voting: File an election complaint
Verifying absentee ballot status: New Hampshire Registered Voter absentee ballot lookup
This constitutional amendment concurrent resolution would increase the mandatory retirement age for judges from 70 to 75.