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Registration Deadline:
-Mail-in voter registrations must be mailed and postmarked on or before the third Friday preceding an election.
-Registrations completed at the state Department of Motor Vehicles must be completed by the third Friday preceding an election.
-Voter registrations delivered by personal messenger or personal agent must arrive on or before the third Friday preceding an election.
-Individuals may register in person at the County Clerk/Election Commissioner’s office
prior to 6 p.m. on the second Friday preceding an election.
- Online Voter Registration closes just before midnight 10 days before the election
Party Affiliation: Voters may choose from one of the three statewide parties currently recognized in Nebraska: Democratic, Republican and Libertarian or they may choose to not affiliate with any party by checking the non-partisan box on the application.
If you wish to vote in the primary election, where parties choose their nominees for state and county offices, you need to declare your party affiliation. If you register without a political party affiliation, you will receive only the non-partisan ballots at a primary election. Non-partisans may designate a party preference at primary elections and receive partisan ballots for the Senate and House congressional races.
Age: Be at least 18 years of age on or before the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of the election year
Citizenship: Must be a United States citizen
Residency: Must live in the State of Nebraska. You may register to vote the same day you become a resident of the state of Nebraska and in the county where you are registering. If you move to a different county, you will have to re-register.
Mental Competency: Must not have been officially found to be mentally incompetent
Felony Convictions: Have not been convicted of a felony or, if convicted, it has been at least two years since completion of the sentence for the felony, including any parole or probation term. For more information click here.
ID Requirements: If registering for the first time in Nebraska by mail, please provide
-a copy of a current and valid photo ID; or
-a copy of a utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck or other government document which is dated 60 days immediately prior to the date of presentation showing the same name and residence address provided on the voter registration application.
Online: Online Voter Registration (Spanish)
In person: Nebraska Voter Registration Application is available at:
-local County Clerk/Election Commissioner’s office
-Department of Motor Vehicles when applying for or renewing your driver’s license
-Public assistance agencies (State Department of Health and Human Services & State Department of Education)
-May be available at banks, post offices, and libraries
By mail/ in writing: You may download a Nebraska voter registration application in English or Spanish or pick up one from the above locations and mail it to your County Clerk.
By fax: Contact your County Clerk for faxing options.
Online: Nebraska Voter registration verification
Phone: Contact county election office
EARLY VOTING QUALIFICATIONS (previously absentee voting)
Who can vote early: Anyone may apply for an Early Voting ballot. Since 1999 Nebraska law has not required a person disclose a reason for their request on the Early Voting application.
In person: You may apply for an early voting ballot by contacting your County Clerk or Election Commissioner in person at the election office
By mail: Print the Nebraska Early Voting Ballot Application, complete the form and sign it, then mail, take a picture, or fax it to your County Clerk or Election Commissioner. You may also send in a handwritten request. You can obtain an early voting ballot by writing to your county clerk or election commissioner with the following information:
-Your name and residence address
-Your political party affiliation
-Your voting precinct(if known)
-Your phone number
-The mailing address you want ballots sent to
-Your signature.
The last day to request an Early Voting ballot to be mailed is close of business on the second Friday preceding the election
Military and overseas voting: Military Voter Information, Overseas Voter Information
Location and time: All county election offices will accept Early Voting applications up to 120 days prior to a statewide Primary or General election.
All early voting ballots, whether personally delivered, delivered by agent, delivered by mail or other carriers must arrive by the closing of the polls on Election Day (8:00 p.m. Central Time/7:00 p.m. Mountain Time).
Deciding how to vote:
Polling Place: Nebraska polling place finder
ID Requirements: The only time voters are asked for their ID is if they are a first time Nebraska registrant who mailed in their registration application and didn't provide ID at that time.
How to Vote: Election Day FAQ
Getting your vote counted: Nebraska's Voter Rights
Problems with voting: HAVA/Nebraska Elections Administrative Complaint Form. See more information on HAVA in Nebraska.
Verifying provisional ballot status: Nebraska provisional ballot verification
Verifying absentee ballot status: Early/Absentee ballot verification
The initiative would amend the Nebraska Constitution to require valid photo identification in order to vote. The amendment would leave the regulation of photo identification up to the Nebraska State Legislature. Currently, voters do not need to present photo identification in order to vote in Nebraska. A voter may be asked for identification if he or she is a first-time registrant who mailed in his or her registration application and did not provide identification at that time.
The initiative would incrementally increase the state's minimum wage according to the following schedule:
$10.50 on January 1, 2023;
$12.00 on January 1, 2024;
$13.50 on January 1, 2025; and
$15.00 on January 1, 2026.
After 2026, the minimum wage would be adjusted annually by the cost of living.
Currently, the minimum wage is $9 per hour.
A constitutional amendment to authorize any city, county, or other political subdivision owning or operating an airport to expend its revenues for the public purpose of developing or encouraging the development of new or expanded regularly scheduled commercial passenger air service at such airport.