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Registration Deadline: Your Voter Registration form with an original signature must be received by the auditor 15 days before any election if you wish to vote in that election.
South Dakota law does not allow you to submit your voter registration form via fax or email.
Party Affiliation: In a Primary election, a voter is given only the ballot for the party which the voter is registered in, except for voters registered as an Independent or No Party Affiliation (NPA). The South Dakota Democratic Primary is open to registered Democrats and Independents/No Party Affiliation voters, but not Republicans. The South Dakota Libertarian Primary is closed to only registered Libertarians. The South Dakota Republican Primary is closed to only registered Republicans.
If you decide to change your party affiliation, you must update your voter registration by completing a voter registration form, then mail or return to your County Auditor.
Age: At least 18 years old on or before the day of the election
Citizenship: Must be a United States citizen
Residency: Must be a resident of South Dakota (residency qualifications for registering to vote)
Mental Competency: Must not be judged mentally incompetent by a court of law
Felony Convictions: Not currently serving a sentence for a felony conviction which included imprisonment, served or suspended, in an adult penitentiary system. For more information click here
ID Requirements: South Dakota Driver license number or last 4 digits of Social Security number required.
In person: You may register at the following locations:
- Driver's license station (when you are renewing or applying for a driver's license you may also register to vote on the driver's license application)
- City Finance Office
- Public assistance agencies providing food stamps, TANF or WIC
- Department of Human Services offices which provide assistance to the disabled
- Military recruitment offices
By mail/ in writing: Mail a printable form to your county auditor's office.
South Dakota law does not allow you to submit your voter registration form via fax or email.
Online: Voter Registration Verification
Phone: Call the Secretary of State or your local County Auditor.
In person: Obtain an absentee ballot application form online or at your county election official's office and return it to your county election official's office.
By mail: You may download and print an absentee ballot application and send it to your County Election Official.
Email/Fax: Only voters covered under the Uniformed and Overseas Absentee Voting Act can submit their application for absentee ballot via fax or email.
The County Election Official must receive your application for an absentee ballot no later than 5pm the day before the election.
Military and overseas voting: Military voter information and Overseas Civilian Voter information
Location and time: All voted absentee ballots must be returned to your county auditor's office. Registered voters can vote in-person once Absentee Voting begins at their County Auditor's office by bringing along a valid photo identification card (ID). If a voter does not have a photo ID, they must be given the option to sign a personal identification affidavit and vote a regular ballot.
Your voted ballot MUST be received by your County Election Official on Election Day in enough time to deliver your ballot to your voting precinct before the polls close.
Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. local time.
All voters who appear at a polling place must show proof of identification. Approved forms of photo identification include:
-South Dakota driver's license or non driver ID card
-U.S. government photo ID (passport is acceptable)
-U.S. Armed Forces ID
-Current student photo identification card from a South Dakota high school or South Dakota accredited institution of higher education
-Tribal photo ID
If you do not have a photo ID, you can sign a personal identification affidavit, and will still be allowed to vote a regular ballot.
Deciding how to vote:
Polling Place: Polling Place Locator
How to Vote: Sample Ballots
Problems with voting: If you have trouble voting, you may call the County Auditor's office call the Secretary of State’s Office at 605-773-3537,or email or
Provisional VotingThe purpose of a provisional ballot is to protect a person's right to vote when his or her name has wrongly been omitted from the voter registration list. The provisional ballot is sealed in a special envelope which is not opened on election night. The provisional ballot is only counted if documentation can be located after election day proving that the person was properly registered to vote in that precinct.
Contact your local County Auditor's Office for more information.
Verifying absentee ballot status: Absentee Ballot Verification
Constitutional Amendment D would amend the constitution to require the state to provide Medicaid benefits to adults between 18 and 65 with incomes below 133% of the federal poverty level beginning July 1, 2023. Because the Affordable Care Act includes a 5% income disregard, this measure would effectively expand Medicaid to those with incomes at or below 138% of the federal poverty level.
Any initiated constitutional amendment, initiated measure, constitutional amendment proposed and submitted to the people by the Legislature, or measure referred to the people by the Legislature that imposes or increases taxes or fees, and any initiated constitutional amendment, initiated measure, constitutional amendment proposed and submitted to the people by the Legislature, or measure referred to the people by the Legislature that obligates the state to appropriate funds of ten million dollars or more in any of the first five fiscal years after enactment, to be annually adjusted for inflation as determined by the Legislature, shall become part of the Constitution or statute only if approved by three-fifths of the votes cast thereon.
This amendment would legalize the use and possession of recreational marijuana, as well as marijuana accessories and paraphernalia, in South Dakota for people who are at least 21 years old. Individuals would be allowed to possess or distribute up to one ounce of marijuana.
An individual could own up to three marijuana plants (with no more than six plants per private property) as long as the individual lives in a jurisdiction where there is not a licensed marijuana retail store. The initiative would require that marijuana plants must be kept in a locked space and out of public view.
Civil penalties would apply to individuals who violate provisions of this amendment.