New York Election Guide

Election 2022 Ballot Measures

Environment and Climate Change Projects Bond Measure

Enacts into law major components of legislation necessary to implement the state transportation, economic development and environmental conservation budget for the 2022-2023 state fiscal year; relates to providing for mass transportation payments, in relation to the amount of payments in the Capital District Transportation District; adds Montgomery County to such District (Part E); relates to the electronic submission and public posting of bids for New York state thruway authority construction, reconstruction and improvement contracts (Part F); increases the statutory threshold for mandatory use of design-build by the metropolitan transportation authority (Part H); relates to procurements conducted by the metropolitan transportation authority and the New York city transit authority (Part I); relates to the New York transit authority and the metropolitan transportation authority, in relation to extending authorization for tax increment financing for the metropolitan transportation authority (Part J); relates to establishing the accident prevention course internet technology pilot program, in relation to the effectiveness thereof (Part O); relates to increasing certain motor vehicle transaction fees, in relation to the effectiveness thereof; relates to the costs of the department of motor vehicles, in relation to the effectiveness thereof (Part P); establishes an identification card program; waives non-driver identification application fees for incarcerated individuals (Part Q); requires all state agencies to update all applicable forms and data systems to include a gender "x" option (Part R); authorizes the disclosure of records for the public service loan forgiveness program (Part S); relates to the pilot program for entertainment industry employees and the pilot program for displaced workers; relates to the New York state health insurance continuation assistance demonstration project, in relation to the effectiveness thereof (Part T); relates to brownfield opportunity areas (Part U); authorizes certain health care professionals licensed to practice in other jurisdictions to practice in this state in connection with the Winter World University Games; provides for the repeal of such provisions upon expiration thereof (Part X); relates to the powers of the New York state urban development corporation to make loans, in relation to extending loan powers (Part Y); extends the authority of the New York state urban development corporation to administer the empire state economic development fund (Part Z); amends the infrastructure investment act, in relation to requiring project labor agreements when undertaking certain authorized projects, and in relation to the effectiveness thereof; authorizes, for certain public works undertaken pursuant to project labor agreements, use of the alternative delivery method known as design-build contracts, in relation to the definition of authorized entity, and in relation to the effectiveness thereof (Part AA); relates to the excelsior linked deposit program (Part BB); creates the small business seed funding grant program (Part CC); relates to the powers and duties of the dormitory authority of the state of New York relative to the establishment of subsidiaries for certain purposes, in relation to the effectiveness thereof (Part DD); relates to the cannabis social equity fund (Part II); repeals certain provisions of law relating to fiber optic cable (Part JJ); t removes a program cap and allows funding of the solid waste mitigation program's inactive landfill initiative (Part KK); relates to eligibility for participation in the brownfield cleanup program, assignment of the brownfield redevelopment tax credits and brownfield opportunity areas; relates to brownfield redevelopment tax credits, remediated brownfield credit for real property taxes for qualified sites and environmental remediation insurance credits, in relation to the effectiveness thereof (Part LL); extends the waste tire management fee; conforms the applicable administrative provisions to article 28 of the tax law (Part MM); authorizes the creation of state debt in the amount of three billion dollars, in relation to creating the environmental bond act of 2022 "restore mother nature" for the purposes of environmental improvements that preserve, enhance, and restore New York's natural resources and reduce the impact of climate change; provides for the submission to the people of a proposition or question therefor to be voted upon at the general election to be held in November, 2022, in relation to creating the Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act of 2022 (Part NN); relates to the implementation of the environmental bond act of 2022 "restore mother nature", in relation to renaming such act the "clean water, clean air, and green jobs environmental bond act of 2022" (Part OO); increases the transfer amount from the real estate transfer tax to the environmental protection fund (Part PP); relates to freshwater wetlands; (Part QQ); relates to the water pollution control revolving fund (Part UU); relates to the vessel surcharge (Part WW); relates to river regulating district payment of taxes on lands owned by the state (Part XX); relates to the powers, functions and duties of the state council of parks, recreation and historic preservation and the regional park, recreation and historic preservation commissions (Part YY); authorizes the energy research and development authority to finance a portion of its research, development and demonstration, policy and planning, and Fuel NY program, as well as climate change related expenses of the department of environmental conservation and the department of agriculture and markets' Fuel NY program, from an assessment on gas and electric corporations (Part AAA); authorizes utility and cable television assessments that provide funds to the department of health from cable television assessment revenues and to the department of agriculture and markets, department of environmental conservation, department of state, and the office of parks, recreation and historic preservation from utility assessment revenues; provides for the repeal of such provisions upon the expiration thereof (Part BBB); authorizes the power authority of the state of New York to enter into agreements with state instrumentalities and municipal entities for the use of excess capacity in its broadband technologies and infrastructure (Part FFF); establishes the commercial driver's license (CDL) class A young adult training program (Part GGG); expands the Restore New York's Communities Initiative (Part HHH); requires assessments to defray operating expenses on persons regulated by the department of financial services that engage in virtual currency business activity (Part III); requires the department of taxation and finance contract with an economic impact firm for the purposes of conducting an independent, comprehensive, analysis of each tax credit, tax deduction, and tax incentive (Part JJJ); enhances the state's flood mitigation and coastal resiliency activities (Part KKK); requires the metropolitan transportation authority to publish certain data relating to capital programs on the authority's website (Part LLL); enacts the "working to implement reliable and equitable deployment of broadband act (WIRED broadband act)" (Part MMM); relates to the reporting of economic development benefits and establishing a searchable state subsidy and aggregate economic development benefits database (Part NNN).

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Your Elected Officials

Donald Trump
J.D. Vance
Vice President
Kirsten Gillibrand
U.S. Senate
District Junior Seat
Chuck Schumer
U.S. Senate
District Senior Seat
Joshua Riley
U.S. House
District 19
Kathy Hochul
Antonio Delgado
Lieutenant Governor
Joe Angelino
State Assembly
District 121
Peter Oberacker
State Senate
District 51
Letitia James
Attorney General
Walter Mosley
Secretary of State
Robert Mujica
Budget Director
Richard Ball
Commissioner of Agriculture
Betty Rosa
Commissioner of Education
Sean Mahar
Commissioner of Environment and Conservation
Roberta Reardon
Commissioner of Labor
Amanda Hiller
Commissioner of Taxation and Finance
Thomas DiNapoli
James Alesi
No Party Affiliation 
Public Service Commissioner
Uchenna Bright
Public Service Commissioner
Rory Christian
Public Service Commissioner
John Maggiore
Public Service Commissioner
Denise Sheehan
Public Service Commissioner
Dave Valesky
No Party Affiliation 
Public Service Commissioner
Radina Valvova
Public Service Commissioner
Adrienne Harris
Superintendent of Financial Services