Kentucky Election Guide

Election 2024 Information for Sanders, KY

Voter Registration

Registration Deadlines: 


Online registration deadline: Monday, October 7, 2024. 

Register by mail deadline: Must be postmarked by Monday, October 7, 2024. 

In person registration deadline: Monday, October 7, 2024


Party Affiliation: Kentucky conducts political party primaries before each General Election. In Primary Elections, voters may only vote for candidates of their same political affiliation and non-partisan candidates. You can change your political party here, or by submitting an updated registration application to your county clerk. 

Voter Registration Qualifications

Age: Must be at least 18 years old by the date of the next general election. State law allows for pre-registration at 17 years of age, but you must be 18 years of age on or before the next General Election Day to vote. If you are 17 and will be 18 on the next General Election, you may vote in the Primary Election.

Citizenship: Must be a United States citizen

Residency: Resident of Kentucky at least 28 days before the election

Mental Competency: Not judged mentally incompetent in a court of law and have voting rights removed

Felony Convictions: Not be a convicted felon or, if convicted of a felony offense, you must have had your civil rights restored by executive pardon

Obtaining a Voter Registration Form

Online: Kentucky voter registration application. You may use a current Kentucky Driver’s License to help you complete an application online.

In person: You can register at one of the following locations:

   - Local county clerk's office

   -Voter Registration Drives. For more information on hosting a voter registration drive,

 click here.

By mail/ in writing: Download a voter registration application and mail it to the State Board of Elections or your County Clerk

Verifying Your Voter Registration Status

Online: Verify your registration online

Phone: Contact your county clerk


Absentee Ballot Qualifications

Who can vote absentee:

To be qualified to vote by mail-in absentee ballot, you must be:

1. Person who due to age, disability or illness will be unable to go to the polls on election day.

2. Students who temporarily reside outside the county in which they are registered.

3. Voter who temporarily resides outside the state but who is still eligible to vote in the state.

4. Person who is incarcerated and has been charged with a crime but has yet to be convicted.

5. Person whose employment location requires them to be absent from the county all hours and all days absentee voting by machine is conducted.

6. Military personnel confined to a military base on election day.

7. Person who is a participant in the Office of the Secretary of State's address confidentiality program.


In person absentee voting is available if you are:

  • Voter who is a member of the Armed Forces or a dependent of a member of the Armed Forces and will be out of the county on election day and during the days of no-excuse in-person absentee voting.

  • Voter who is a citizen residing overseas and will be out of the county on Election Day and during the days of no-excuse in-person absentee voting.

  • Voter, or spouse of voter, who has surgery scheduled that will require hospitalization on the day of an election and during the days of no-excuse in-person absentee voting.  

  • Student who temporarily resides outside the county in which he is registered.

  • Voter who temporarily resides outside the state, but is still eligible to vote in this state and will be absent from the county of his or her residence on Election Day and during the days of no-excuse in-person absentee voting. 

  • Kentucky resident who is a uniformed-service voter​ and is confined to a military base on Election Day and during the days of no-excuse in-person absentee voting. 

  • Voter who is in her last trimester of pregnancy.

  • Voter who has not been declared mentally disabled by a court of competent jurisdiction and, due to age, disability, or illness, is not able to appear at the polls on election day and during the days of no-excuse in-person absentee voting. 

  • Voter who is a student who temporarily resides outside the county of his or her residence and will be absent from the county of his or her residence on the day of an election and during the days of no-excuse in-person absentee voting.

  • Voter who is employed in an occupation that is scheduled to work during all days and all hours, including commute time, that the polls are open on election day and during the days of no-excuse in-person absentee voting.

  • Voter who is an election officer tasked with election administration for the current election cycle. ​

Obtaining an Absentee Ballot

Absentee ballots can only be obtained by contacting the County Clerk’s office.

Military and overseas voting: Information for military and overseas voters.  

Current registered voters may request an absentee ballot by completing a Kentucky’s Federal Post Card Application The FPCA must be returned to their County Clerk’s office no later than seven (7) days prior to an election.



Submitting an Absentee Ballot

Location and time: The absentee ballot must be received in the county clerk's office by 6pm local time on Election Day for the ballot to be counted. 


Other absentee ballot submission information: You can either return the completed application by mail or you can hand-deliver it to the County Clerk’s office. Your spouse, parents, or children, or a third party cannot hand deliver your completed application to the county clerk.


All voters must produce identification, ID must include a picture of the voter, or be known via personal acquaintance by an election official (official will have to sign an affirmation once identification is confirmed). Acceptable types of ID are personal acquaintance of precinct officer, driver’s license, Social Security card, county issued identification card approved in writing by the State Board of Elections, U.S. government-issued identification card, Kentucky state government-issued identification card with picture, credit card, or another form of ID containing both picture and signature. For more information, click here


 Polls are open from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM local time. If you are in line at 6:00 PM, you will be allowed to vote.


If you are working on Election Day, you may be entitled to a maximum of four consecutive hours off from work in order to vote or cast an absentee ballot if you make a request for time off with your employer. Your employer may specify the hours you may take leave to cast a ballot. 


Additional Information


Verifying Registration: Kentucky voter registration verification

Deciding how to vote:

Polling Place: Kentucky polling places

How to Vote: Kentucky sample ballots by county.

Problems with voting: Report violations to one of the following sources:

- Precinct Election Officers

- County Clerk/Board of Elections

- State Board of Elections (502) 573-7100

- Attorney General's Election Fraud Hotline (800) 328-8683

Verifying provisional ballot status: Kentucky provisional ballot voter information center

Verifying absentee ballot status: Please contact your county clerk to verify your absentee ballot status.

Election 2024 Ballot Measures

Kentucky Allow State Funding for Non-Public Education Amendment

Propose a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky to authorize the General Assembly to provide for a financial support for the education of students outside of the public school system.

More Information: Click Here

Kentucky Citizenship Requirement for Voting Amendment

Propose to amend Sections 145 and 155 of the Constitution of Kentucky to prohibit persons who are not citizens of the United States from being allowed to vote in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

More Information: Click Here

Your Elected Officials

Donald Trump
J.D. Vance
Vice President
Mitch McConnell
U.S. Senate
District Senior Seat
Rand Paul
U.S. Senate
District Junior Seat
Thomas Massie
U.S. House
District 4
Andy Beshear
Jacqueline Coleman
Lieutenant Governor
Savannah Maddox
State House
District 61
Felicia Rabourn
State House
District 47
Jay Williams
State Senate
District 20
Russell Coleman
Attorney General
Michael Adams
Secretary of State
Jonathan Shell
Agriculture Commissioner
Allison Ball
John Hicks
Budget Director
Robbie Fletcher
Commissioner of Education
Sharon Clark
Commissioner of Insurance
Gordon Slone
Commissioner for Natural Resources
Tom Miller
Commissioner of Revenue
Ed Ross
Holly Johnson
Secretary of Finance and Administration
Jamie Link
Secretary of Labor
Mark Metcalf
Holly Bloodworth
State Board of Education
District 1
Mike Borchers
State Board of Education
District 6
Jamie Bowling
State Board of Education
District 3
Juston Pate
State Board of Education
District 2
Julie Pile
State Board of Education
Randy Poe
State Board of Education
District At-Large
Sharon Porter Robinson
State Board of Education
District 4
Lee Todd
State Board of Education
District At-Large
Steve Trimble
State Board of Education
District 7
Diana Woods
State Board of Education
District At-Large
Lu Young
State Board of Education
District 5