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Registration Deadline: 29 days before the election
Party Affiliation: Voters may cross party lines, but they must either publicly declare their ballot choice or their ballot selection may be regarded as a form of registration with the corresponding party.
Age: At least 18 years of age on or before election day. A 17-year-old may register and vote in the primary election if the voter turns 18 on or before the next general or municipal election.
Citizenship: Must be a United States citizen
Residency: Must be a resident of Indiana and reside in the precinct for at least 30 days before the election.
Mental Competency: Mental competency is not a requirement to register to vote in Indiana.
Felony Convictions: Must not currently be imprisoned after being convicted of a crime.
ID Requirements: A voter must provide government-issued photo ID before casting a ballot, except when voting absentee-by-mail or traveling board. If you are unable or unwilling to present ID meeting these requirements, you may cast a provisional ballot. If you cast a provisional ballot, you have until noon , ten days after the election to follow up with the county election board and either provide the necessary documentation or affirm one of the law’s exemptions applies to you.
Online: Indiana Online Voter Registration (under register to vote by mail or in person section)
In person:
Complete and return the voter registration form to any of the following:
-Indiana Election Division office
-Local county voter registration office
-Bureau of Motor Vehicles License Branch
-Public Assistance Office
By mail/ in writing: Mail the completed voter registration form to your county voter registration office.
By fax: Contact your local county voter registration office or faxing options.
Online: Indiana voter registration verification
Phone: Check your voter registration status and polling location anytime at 1-866-IN-1-VOTE
Who can vote absentee:
In order to vote absentee-by-mail, one of the following must apply:
You have a specific, reasonable expectation that you will be absent from the county on Election Day during the entire 12 hours that the polls are open (6am until 6pm).
You have a disability.
You are at least 65 years of age.
You will have official election duties outside of your voting precinct (election officer, official poll watcher, challenger, pollbook holder, or employed by the election board to work during the election).
You are scheduled to work at your regular place of employment during the entire 12 hours that the polls are open.
You will be confined due to illness or injury or you will be caring for an individual confined due to illness or injury during the entire 12 hours that the polls are open.
You are prevented from voting because of a religious discipline or religious holiday during the entire 12 hours that the polls are open.
You are a participant in the state's address confidentiality program.
You are a serious sex offender as defined in Indiana Code 35-42-4-14(a).
You are a member of the Indiana National Guard deployed or on assignment inside Indiana, or a public safety officer.
You are prevented from voting due to the unavailability of transportation to the polls.
You are eligible under the relevant provisions of state law to vote at your place of previous registration.
You are an absent uniformed services voter or overseas voter
Other absentee voter qualifications: All registered voters in Indiana are eligible to vote absentee in-person at the county election board office beginning 28 days before Election Day.
In person: Registering to vote in-person at the appropriate county voter registration office. Click here for the in person absentee ballot application.
By mail: Apply for a mail-in absentee ballot by printing out this application for a mail in absentee form and send it in to your local election office.
Military and overseas voting: As a military or overseas voter, you may submit an absentee ballot application by mail, fax, or in person. Fill out a registration and absentee ballot Federal Post Card Application, and return the application by 10 days before the election. View more information and the military application here.
Emergency Voting: Certain military members and their families may register after 10 days before an election. Contact your local election office for potential exemptions.
Location and time: All registered voters in Indiana are eligible to vote absentee-in-person at the county election board office beginning 28 days before Election Day. Application must be received by your county election board at least 12 days before election day in order to receive an absentee ballot. Specific ballot return instructions will accompany your absentee ballot or contact the Indiana Election Division.
Other absentee ballot submission information: Mail in absentee ballots are not required to show photo ID. However, a first time voter in Indiana who registered to vote by mail and did not provide proof of residency will be asked to include that evidence with their absentee balloting materials. This can be a state-issued ID where the address matches their registration, but can also be a bank statement, utility bill, etc.
Early voting qualifications: All registered voters in Indiana are eligible to vote absentee-in-person at the county election board office beginning 28 days before Election Day.
VOTING ON ELECTION DAY: Polls are open from 6:00am- 6:00pm local time.
VOTER ID: You are required to bring a photo ID on election day in order to vote. It must display the four following qualifications:
It must display your photo
Must display your name and that name must conform to your voter registration record.
Must display an expiration date and be current or have expired sometime after the date of the last general election.
Be issued by the state of Indiana or the U.S. government
Verifying Registration: Indiana voter registration verification
Deciding how to vote:
Polling Place: To find your polling place, search your voter registration here.
Problems with voting: Indiana HAVA Accessibility and Fraud Grievance Form
Voting Rights: Indiana Know Your Rights at the Polls
Verifying provisional ballot status: Search your voter registration information to find your provisional ballot status.
Verifying absentee ballot status: Search your voter registration information in order to find your absentee ballot status.
Removes the superintendent of public instruction from the list of officeholders who shall discharge the powers and duties of the governor if the office of the governor and lieutenant governor are both vacant.