Massachusetts Election Guide

Election 2022 Information for West Bridgewater, MA

Voter Registration

Registration Deadline: The deadline to register to vote in any election or regular town meeting is 10 days prior to the date of the election or meeting. 


If you are a new citizen who was naturalized after the last day to register to vote, you may register to vote in person at your local election office until 5 p.m. on the day before the election. You should bring documentation to show that your naturalization ceremony occurred after the voter registration deadline. 


Party Affiliation: When you register to vote, you may choose to enroll in a political party or political designation or may choose to remain “unenrolled,” which is commonly referred to as independent. If you do not enroll in a party, you may still vote in state and presidential primaries by choosing a party ballot and will remain unenrolled. 


Once you make an enrollment choice you may change your enrollment status by notifying your election official in writing at least 20 days before an election.


If you enroll in any of these four parties (Democratic, Republican, Libertarian, Green-Rainbow) you may vote only in that party’s primary. Enrollment in a political party does not affect your right to vote in the general election. In the general election, all voters receive the same ballot and vote for the candidate of their choice, regardless of party enrollment.


Voter Registration Qualifications

Age: May be 16 years old to register. Must be 18 years old on Election Day to vote.

Citizenship: Must be a United States citizen

Residency: Must be a resident of Massachusetts. You must update your voter registration every time you move. If you have moved, you may update your registration by filling out a new voter registration form. If you move after the deadline to register to vote in a state election or primary, you should wait to update your registration until after the date of the election or primary, and return to vote at your previous polling place in Massachusetts. State law allows you to vote from a previous address in a state election for up to six month after you have moved, as long as you have not registered elsewhere.

Felony Convictions: Must not be currently incarcerated by reason of a felony conviction.

Obtaining a Voter Registration Form

Online: In order to register online, you must have a signature on file with the Registry of Motor Vehicles. If you currently have a Massachusetts driver's license or state ID card, you may use the online voter registration application to register, update your address, or change your party affiliation. Voter registration forms submitted online must be submitted by midnight on the date of the voter registration deadline.


In person: You may register in person at any local election office, as well as the Elections Division of the Secretary of the Commonwealth's office. Voter registration is also available as part of every transaction at the Registry of Motor Vehicles and at certain public assistance agencies. Voter registration forms completed in-person are valid as of the day that they are signed.


By mail/In writing: To obtain a mail-in registration form click here. The form must be completed, signed, and delivered to your local election official. Voter registration forms submitted by mail must be postmarked no later than the voter registration deadline.


Verifying Your Voter Registration Status

Verify here: voter registration status



Massachusetts voters now have the option to vote early by mail in all elections, with no excuse required. To request your Vote by Mail ballot, submit a signed application to your local election office.


In addition to no-excuse early voting by mail, Massachusetts has absentee voting for those who qualify. While early Vote by Mail ballots are more common, there are special circumstances where you need to apply for an absentee ballot instead. See the “Absentee ballot” section below for more information on that.


Deadline: Any mail-in ballot must be requested in writing by 5 p.m. on the 5th business day before the election. Your application can only be accepted if it has reached your local election office by the deadline.


Obtaining a mail ballot: Vote by Mail applications can also be downloaded or printed from our website. Any written request with your signature is an acceptable application. You can simply write a signed letter to your local election office to apply for your ballot.

Applications can be submitted by mail, email, or fax. If you’re emailing your application, you need to sign it in a way that can be compared to your hand-written signature. Electronic signatures, scanned applications, and photos of applications are acceptable. Typed signatures cannot be accepted. 

Submitting your mail ballot: There are several options for returning your ballot. You may return your ballot by:

-Mailing it back using the envelope provided; or
-Hand-delivering your ballot to your local election office; or
-Dropping your ballot off at an early voting location during early voting hours; or
-Using a ballot drop box provided by your city or town.

Ballots cannot be dropped off at a polling place on Election Day. Mailed ballots received after 8 p.m. on Election Day can only be counted if they are postmarked by Election Day.

For all other elections, ballots must reach your local election office by the close of polls on Election Day in order to be counted.

Use our Track My Ballot tool to check the status of your ballot. The tracker will show you the date your ballot was mailed, the date it was returned, and whether your ballot was accepted or rejected.

If you still want to vote in person: You can still vote in person if you’ve applied to vote by mail. You can vote at an early voting location or your polling place on Election Day. You can’t vote in person if your ballot has been accepted by your local election office. You can’t take your ballot back or vote again.

Use our website to track your ballot status. If your ballot hasn’t been accepted by Election Day, you may vote in person at your polling place. If your ballot arrives at your local election office after you’ve voted, the mail-in ballot will be rejected.

Absentee Ballot Qualifications

Who can vote absentee: In order to be eligible to vote by absentee ballot in Massachusetts, a voter must be prevented from voting at their polling place on Election Day, due to   

- Absence from the voter's city or town on Election Day, or

- Physical disability, or

- Religious belief


Submitting an Absentee Ballot

If you are voting by mail, you should be sure to submit your application in a timely manner. Please allow enough time for the ballot to be mailed to you and for you to return the ballot by Election Day. All ballots being mailed from inside the United States must be received by your local election official no later than the close of polls on Election Day.


If you would like to vote in person, you may do so in the office of your local election official. In-person absentee voting should be arranged ahead of time.

In all state elections and primaries, polling places must be open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m., though towns are allowed to open as early as 5:45 a.m. Voters who are in line when polls are closed at 8 p.m. must be allowed to vote. For municipal elections, polling hours will vary by city and town. Check with your local election official for polling hours for your municipal election.

You may be asked to show identification when you check-in at your polling place for any of the following reasons:

-You are voting for the first time in Massachusetts in a federal election

-You are an inactive voter

-You are casting a provisional or challenged ballot

-The poll worker has a reasonable suspicion that leads them to request identification


Acceptable identification must include your name and the address at which you are registered to vote. Examples of acceptable identification include: a driver's license, state-issued ID card, recent utility bill, rent receipt, lease, a copy of a voter registration affidavit, or any other printed identification which contains the voter's name and address.



On Election Day, some voters may find that their names have been placed on the list of inactive voters. The inactive voters list is made up of registered voters who have not responded to the annual street list or subsequent confirmation notice. Inactive voters may still vote, but will first be asked to show identification and will be required to fill out an affirmation of current and continuous residence.


For more information click here



Voters who find that they are not on the list where they believe they are registered to vote, or find that they are listed incorrectly, have the right to cast a provisional ballot. Provisional ballots are sealed in an envelope and kept separately from other ballots until the voter's eligibility can be determined. If a provisional voter is determined to be registered, their ballot is unsealed and counted; if the voter is determined to be ineligible to vote, the ballot is destroyed without being examined.


State law requires that local election officials resolve all provisional ballots within three days of a state or presidential primary and within twelve days of a state or local election. All provisional ballots are investigated and those found to be cast by eligible voters are counted, no matter how close the election may be.

After Election Day, you may contact the Elections Division at 1-800-462-VOTE (8683) to determine the disposition of your ballot.

For more information click here

Additional Information

Deciding how to vote:

Polling Place: Click here

Tracking your mail-in ballot: Click here

Problems with voting: If you feel that your right to vote has been violated in any way, call the Secretary of the Commonwealth's Elections Division at 1-800-462-VOTE (8683), Fax: 617-742-3238


Election 2022 Ballot Measures

Question 4 - Remove Proof of Citizenship or Immigration Status for Driver's License Applications Referendum

Question 4 is a veto referendum on House Bill 4805 (H 4805), which would prohibit registrars from inquiring about an applicant’s citizenship or immigration status when applying for driver's licenses and motor vehicle registrations. It would also authorize registrars to accept certain documents to verify the identity and date of birth of an applicant. H 4805 would require one of the documents to be either a valid unexpired foreign passport or a valid unexpired Consular Identification document. The bill would require the second document to be a valid unexpired driver’s license from any U.S. state or territory, an original or certified copy of a birth certificate, a valid unexpired foreign national identification card, a valid unexpired foreign driver’s license; or a marriage certificate or divorce decree issued by any state or territory of the United States.

More Information: Click Here

Question 1 - Massachusetts Income Tax for Education and Transportation Amendment

Proposal for a legislative amendment to the Constitution to provide resources for education and transportation through an additional tax on incomes in excess of one million dollars.

More Information: Click Here

Question 3 - Massachusetts Changes to Alcohol Retail Licensing Initiative

This proposed law would increase the statewide limits on the combined number of licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages for off-premises consumption (including licenses for 'all alcoholic beverages' and for 'wines and malt beverages') that any one retailer could own or control: from 9 to 12 licenses in 2023; to 15 licenses in 2027; and to 18 licenses in 2031.
Beginning in 2023, the proposed law would set a maximum number of 'all alcoholic beverages' licenses that any one retailer could own or control at 7 licenses unless a retailer currently holds more than 7 such licenses.

The proposed law would require retailers to conduct the sale of alcoholic beverages for off-premises consumption through face-to-face transactions and would prohibit automated or selfcheckout sales of alcoholic beverages by such retailers.

The proposed law would alter the calculation of the fine that the Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission may accept in lieu of suspending any license issued under the State Liquor Control Act. The proposed law would modify the formula for calculating such fee from being based on the gross profits on the sale of alcoholic beverages to being based on the gross profits on all retail sales.

The proposed law would also add out-of-state motor vehicle licenses to the list of the forms of identification that any holder of a license issued under the State Liquor Control Act, or their agent or employee, may choose to reasonably rely on for proof of a person’s identity and age.

More Information: Click Here

Question 2 - Massachusetts Medical Loss Ratios for Dental Insurance Plans Initiative

This proposed law would direct the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Division of Insurance to approve or disapprove the rates of dental benefit plans and would require that a dental insurance carrier meet an annual aggregate medical loss ratio for its covered dental benefit plans of 83 percent. The medical loss ratio would measure the amount of premium dollars a dental insurance carrier spends on its members’ dental expenses and quality improvements, as opposed to administrative expenses. If a carrier’s annual aggregate medical loss ratio is less than 83 percent, the carrier would be required to refund the excess premiums to its covered individuals and groups. The proposed law would allow the Commissioner to waive or adjust the refunds only if it is determined that issuing refunds would result in financial impairment for the carrier.
The proposed law would apply to dental benefit plans regardless of whether they are issued directly by a carrier, through the connector, or through an intermediary. The proposed law would not apply to dental benefit plans issued, delivered, or renewed to a self-insured group or where the carrier is acting as a third-party administrator.

The proposed law would require the carriers offering dental benefit plans to submit information about their current and projected medical loss ratio, administrative expenses, and other financial information to the Commissioner. Each carrier would be required to submit an annual comprehensive financial statement to the Division of Insurance, itemized by market group size and line of business. A carrier that also provides administrative services to one or more self-insured groups would also be required to file an appendix to their annual financial statement with information about its self-insured business. The proposed law would impose a late penalty on a carrier that does not file its annual report on or before April 1.

The Division would be required to make the submitted data public, to issue an annual summary to certain legislative committees, and to exchange the data with the Health Policy Commission. The Commissioner would be required to adopt standards requiring the registration of persons or entities not otherwise licensed or registered by the Commissioner and criteria for the standardized reporting and uniform allocation methodologies among carriers.

The proposed law would allow the Commissioner to approve dental benefit policies for the purpose of being offered to individuals or groups. The Commissioner would be required to adopt regulations to determine eligibility criteria.

The proposed law would require carriers to file group product base rates and any changes to group rating factors that are to be effective on January 1 of each year on or before July 1 of the preceding year. The Commissioner would be required to disapprove any proposed changes to base rates that are excessive, inadequate, or unreasonable in relation to the benefits charged. The Commissioner would also be required to disapprove any change to group rating factors that is discriminatory or not actuarially sound.

The proposed law sets forth criteria that, if met, would require the Commissioner to presumptively disapprove a carrier’s rate, including if the aggregate medical loss ratio for all dental benefit plans offered by a carrier is less than 83 percent.

The proposed law would establish procedures to be followed if a proposed rate is presumptively disapproved or if the Commissioner disapproves a rate.

The proposed law would require the Division to hold a hearing if a carrier reports a risk-based capital ratio on a combined entity basis that exceeds 700 percent in its annual report.

The proposed law would require the Commissioner to promulgate regulations consistent with its provisions by October 1, 2023. The proposed law would apply to all dental benefit plans issued, made effective, delivered, or renewed on or after January 1, 2024.

More Information: Click Here

Your Elected Officials

Donald Trump
J.D. Vance
Vice President
Ed Markey
U.S. Senate
District Junior Seat
Elizabeth Warren
U.S. Senate
District Senior Seat
Bill Keating
U.S. House
District 9
Stephen Lynch
U.S. House
District 8
Maura Healey
Kimberley Driscoll
Lieutenant Governor
Dennis Gallagher
State House
District Eighth Plymouth
Alyson Sullivan
State House
District Seventh Plymouth
Kenneth Sweezey
State House
District Sixth Plymouth
Michael Brady
State Senate
District Second Plymouth and Norfolk
Bill Driscoll
State Senate
District Norfolk, Plymouth, and Bristol
Liz Miranda
State Senate
District Second Suffolk
Andrea Campbell
Attorney General
Diana DiZoglio
Ashley Randle
Commissioner of Agriculture
Michael Caljouw
Commissioner of Insurance
Bill McNamara
Jeffrey Riley
Elementary and Secondary Education Commissioner
Cecile Fraser
Public Utilities Commissioner
Staci Rubin
Public Utilities Commissioner
James Van Nostrand
Public Utilities Commissioner
Geoffrey Snyder
Revenue Commissioner
Matthew Gorzkowicz
Secretary of Administration and Finance
Patrick Tutwiler
Secretary of Education
Rebecca Tepper
Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs
Lauren Jones
Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development Agency
Bill Galvin
Secretary of the Commonwealth
Tamisha Civil
Governor's Council
District 2
Paul DePalo
Governor's Council
District 7
Mara Dolan
Governor's Council
District 3
Joe Ferreira
Governor's Council
District 1
Deb Goldberg
Treasurer and Reciever General
Christopher Iannella
Governor's Council
District 4
Tara Jacobs
Governor's Council
District 8
Terrence Kennedy
Governor's Council
District 6
Eunice Zeigler
Governor's Council
District 5